Quite often businesses face hard times because of staff leaving, legislation changes, losing big contracts or even just downturns in the market. In business it is so important that we are able to foresee these problems or act fast when these problems arise. The process of implementing this ‘Change Management’ is called Turnaround.

Turnaround planning and execution is a specialty skill in itself. It involves using a professional consultancy such as Acceler8me, to research your business and its revenue streams, research the current market and competition, create a strategy on what to implement and finally work with yourself or your investors implementing the Change Management.

It could be as simple as closing a physical shop, making your business purely digital or could be dismissing staff and changing your current revenue models to fit in with the current market, there are lots of different scenarios and solutions.

The earlier we meet a company that is struggling the better chance of survival they have. Sometimes, however, a business can’t be saved, and we work with investors and directors to protect themselves and ways they could potentially save parts of their businesses/investment.

If you are at all worried about a downturn in business in your company or one of your investments, give us a call and let’s have a chat to see how we can help you. The earlier you get help, the better chance of survival you will have. Give Acceler8me a call today.

Cashflow Planning
Cash is King. With no cash, the game is over.   We help your business not just find cash, but more importantly, find where the leaks are so your business can start growing and get stronger again. We need to plan how you spend your cash to make sure you have enough for today and tomorrow

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Why Wales & the Northern Powerhouse?
Cut Costs, Increase Co-Investment, Reduce Risk and get the best talent for less…. Where’s the problem? Scaling companies in the Regions can save companies millions of pounds. Reducing labour costs, reducing rents and being a big fish in a small pond – Not to mention Co-Investment from bodies like the Welsh Development Banc or the Northern Powerhouse

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Management Consultancy

Quite often directors are experts in their fields, but not growing and running businesses.   The role of ‘growth coach’ is often taken on by the investor, increasing their responsibilities in an already busy work schedule. We can help take this off your back, by offering consultancy focusing on infrastructure & growth

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Contact Details

Introduce yourself and tell us about your business.

Drop us a message and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

For more urgent enquiries or if you prefer to speak on the phone, give Team Acceler8me a call on:

+44 (0) 800 044 3834

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