Why pay £16,000 a month rent in London, when you can pay £1000 a month in Cardiff, Wales?
Why pay £120,000 salary, when you can get the same skill level employee for £40,000?
For every SME and Start-up, cost reduction and keeping costs down are key to growth. In today’s market, business don’t need to be in London or other capital cities. While being in London may make business owners ‘feel good’, the return of investment on the costs are just not there.
Wales and the Northern Powerhouse Region have a pot of more than £900,000,000 to co-invest and invest in businesses that move to Wales or up North.
The EU offers grant incentives of up to 40% of salaries covered for the first 3 years, as well as infrastructure grants to scale in Wales or up North.
There are 7 of the top 10 universities in the regions and the opportunity to work with the best minds in the country. You are the big fish in the small pond.
So, with all this, why do you want to invest, build or grow businesses in London? Contact Acceler8me today and let us show you how lucrative it can be to move to Wales or up North!
Search Funds
To take advantage of SEIS/EIS properly, an investor needs to make lots of investments over a period of time. However, as the majority of investors need to be hands-on to increase their returns from their current investments. How are investors meant to find the time to source, filter, meet and qualify great start-ups? This is where we come in!Co-Investment Opportunities
Are you looking for co-investment for either your first round or follow up rounds? We work with investors and institutions around the country that are looking to co-invest and are willing to give you full SEIS/EIS. We can even help out with management, monitoring and mentoring afterwardsUK, EU & Welsh Government Grants
Get UK, EU, Welsh Government and Westminster subsidies for creating jobs, buying capital & growing your business! In some parts of the UK, you can get grants paying between up to 40% of all salaries for jobs created in the first 3 years & grants that pay 50% towards your capital!Contact Details
Introduce yourself and tell us about your business.
Drop us a message and we will get back to you within 48 hours.
For more urgent enquiries or if you prefer to speak on the phone, give Team Acceler8me a call on:
+44 (0) 800 044 3834