How do you exit your business?

Owner managed businesses are normally very successful. They are born from love and the owner is usually passionate, hands-on and has worked very hard to make their company a success – so hard in fact the business might not survive without them.

However, when the owner is ready to retire and enjoy the money they have made, then what? How does an owner Exit their company (sell), when the company’s success is because of the work they have put in.

Selling a business is much more complex than most businesses owners realise. Investors can be very particular in their acquisitions and if companies haven’t got a strong infrastructure to hold themselves up, owner managers will fail to exit their companies.

Acceler8me helps owner managers get their businesses ready for exit. We work in helping you install Corporate Infrastructure, get your accounts in order and make sure your Governance is all UpToDate. Throughout this process we work with brokers who can help you sell your business and bring in possible options for your Exit. Book a call in today and let’s see how we can help you get ready for an Exit.

Expense Procedures & Accounting Software
Being in charge of your companies expenses is key to a successful growing company.   We help you build financial infrastructure; by developing processes, software and expenses management systems for your company and all its employees

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Hiring Staff - Timing & Management
When is a good time to expand your team and how do you do it safely?   Timing is key when expanding a business. We help you work out the best timing, costs and structures that need to be in place to have a safe expansion of your business

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Investment Searching

There are tens of thousands of investors in the UK, all with different interests and skills.


Investment Searching is a long & laborious task that can take you away from running your business. We help you search, not just for any investors, but the right investors for you and your business.

Find out more

Contact Details

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Drop us a message and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

For more urgent enquiries or if you prefer to speak on the phone, give Team Acceler8me a call on:

+44 (0) 800 044 3834

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